Mossad, Israel's Elite Spy Agency-Part 2


Mossad, Israel's Elite Spy Agency-Part 2

Famous operations | 2021 updates

“Mossad” is a terrifying nightmare for many countries. Israel’s most powerful and secretive agency. Mossad is known for its vengeance and revenge operations. Why do the rest of the world fear a 9 million populated country like Israel. Well, the answer is Mossad. To know more about the history of Mossad and their modes of operation read

Let’s go through some of the famous operations done by Mossad.

The first covert operation by Mossad

Bringing the ex Nazi general Adolf Eichmann was the first covert operation by Mossad outside Israel. During the Second World War General Eichmann was the one who took orders from Hitler and initiated the Holocaust.  After the Second World War there was a confused political scenario in the European countries. Eichmann used this opportunity wisely and fled from Germany. Without giving a single evidence to the intelligence agencies all over the world he transformed himself and dissolved among the common people as one of them. None of the intelligence agencies were able to find Eichmann for the next few years. Eichmann had fled to Argentina using a fake name Richard Klement.

Eichman's fake passport
After fifteen years Mossad located Eichmann. They sent a group of eight members to Argentina, kidnapped Eichmann and brought him to Israel. They could have killed Eichmann from Argentina itself. But they thought it would be more prestigious if they brought Eichmann to their people. Bringing Eichmann to Israel was not easy. They did a complete makeover on Eichmann to an Israeli flight attendee. Without giving any kind of suspicion to the police and the intelligence agencies of Argentina they brought back Eichmann in an Israeli flight. The very next day this incident became hot news in the international media. Israel hanged Eichmann after 8 months of continuous trial. This covert operation seemed impossible for all other intelligence agencies while Mossad succeeded in doing that and increased their fame globally.

Operation Diamond

Operation diamond was a secret operation by Mossad in the 1960s. All the rivals of Israel used Russia’s MIG-21 fighter jets while Israel had France's Mirage fighter jets with them. The primary aim of the operation was to reveal the advantages of MIG aircrafts to their pilots. In order to do that they needed a MIG-21. In 1966 they bribed one of the pilots of Egyptian Air Force and with his help they landed the MIG aircraft in Israel by defecting it. Israeli pilots tested the aircrafts and got many important information about the technological and working functions of the MIG aircrafts. This vital information  helped Israel a lot in the six day war. They destroyed 6 MIG-21 aircrafts of Syria without losing a single Mirage fighter jet.

Operation wrath of god - 1972

The terrorists of the Black September organization, the militant force of P.L.O, entered an apartment in the Olympic village of Munich Olympics where the Israeli athletes were residing. At 4.30am when everyone was sleeping they entered the apartment and killed two of the Israeli athletes on the spot and locked up the rest nine. Then they started negotiating with the German government. Their demand was to release 200 Palestine prisoners from the Israeli jail and also to give them a safe option to escape from Germany. German government agreed to their demands and provided them with a helicopter to bring them safely to the army station of Munich. After reaching the army station the terrorists found themselves in a trap made by the German commandos. They killed all the 9 athletes on the spot. Even though German commandos killed every terrorist, they failed to save the athletes. That German operation was a complete failure.

The people of Israel were very frustrated by the death of their sportsmen. Israeli government formed a committee named X UNDER PRIME MINISTER Golda Meir to take revenge. Israeli defense minister Moshe Dayan,

Moshe Dayan, Israel Defense minister
who was known for his notorious actions, was also a part of this committee. The committee handed over the operation to Mossad. Mossad formed several hit squads under Michael Herari for the operation. They named the operation Wrath of God. The first hit happened on 16 October, 1972. Abdel Waad Zwaiter, the representative of the PLO in Italy and the brain behind the Black September’s operation, was killed by the Mossa’s hit squad in Rome. They fired 12 bullets into Zwaiter’s body and made sure he was dead and came back to Israel safely. Italian police failed to catch even a single member of the Mossad hit squad. Within a year of the Munich attack Mossad searched and killed about ten Palestine people from different parts of the world who had connections with Black September’s Munich attack.

Operation Thunderbolt

The next operation of Mossad happened in 1976. On 27 June 1976, four terrorists from PFLP (Popular Friend for the Liberation of Palestine) hijacked Air France Aero plane (A300) that was scheduled to depart from Tel Aviv to Paris. There were 248 passengers in the plane. The plane landed in Entebbe airport in Uganda. The most brutal despot Idi Amin was the president of Uganda at the time. Idi Amin had close connections with Palestine. On 28 July the hijackers put forward their demands to Israel through Idi Amin. Their demands included two things: Israel has to release all the Black September Prisons; and they have to give 5 million US dollars. They also said that if Israel failed to accept their demands they would kill all the 248 passengers. On July 29 they separated the passengers as Israelis and non Israelis. On July 30 they released 48 non Israeli passengers including children and aged. Israel tried some peaceful bargaining with them, but they denied. Israel then decided to go with their alternate plan B. Remember, Uganda is 5000km away from Israel.

Israel government handed over the operation to Mossad. They made a team under Lt.Col. Joshua Shani. They didn’t have any secret intelligence reports about the Entebbe airport with them. They also did not have a blueprint of the airport. They didn’t know where the hostages were located or how much weapon the terrorists had. An Israeli rooted construction company named Solel Boneh came up with a solution. They had designed and constructed the Entebbe airport. Solel Boneh recalled all their crew members from that project and made an exact replica of Entebbe airport and handed it over to Mossad. A French lieutenant of Jewish roots who was one among the 48 released passengers shared some vital information to Mossad about the terrorists, their weapons and the place where these hostages were locked. 

After collecting all the intelligence reports the Mossad hit squad departed from Israel. They boarded from Egypt in two C130 cargo planes followed by two Boeing 701 planes. They entered the African continent by taking a slight turn from Djibouti. They travelled through Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Victoria Lake and landed in Entebbe airport without being noticed by anyone. It was a sudden attack. The doors of the planes were opened at the same time of landing. Mossad commandos rushed outside in a Mercedes Benz which was very similar to Idi Amin’s car. It was followed by land rovers similar to his escorts. Mossad hit squad consisted of about 100 armed commandos. Within seconds they got split into three teams. The first team stayed at the ground station for the overall command. Second team went for the assault. Third team took charge of the rescue. Assault team ran towards the building where the hostages were locked. When the assault team entered the building they asked the hostages to lay down on the floor in Hebrew. Then began the adventurous attack. In the attack a Mossad commando named Yonatan Netanyahu the elder brother of current

Yonatan Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lost his life. Mossad hit squad was successful at the rescue operation. Only four hostages were killed. All others were rescued and brought back to Israel before the Ugandan army could reach the spot.

This operation received worldwide appreciation. The day before this operation a 74 years old lady named Sarah, one among the hostages, was admitted to hospital due to health problems. Due to this the Israeli commandos could not rescue her. The day after the operation Idi Amin killed her in anger.

Saddam Hussein and the scud missiles 

The next famous operation of the Mossad was the assassination of the Canadian defense scientist Gerald Bull. Bull was an expert in the development of long ranged artillery guns like Howitzer. Saddam Hussein had agreed to buy the long ranged cannon developed by Bull. Later Saddam and Bull came into an agreement for developing scud missiles for Saddam. If Saddam got the missiles he could use it against Israel because of its long range effectiveness. Israel warned Bull about this, but he didn’t take it seriously and continued developing scud missiles. On 20 March 1990 Bull was killed at his apartment in Brussels, Belgium by the Mossad hit squad.

Even today if other countries think twice before interfering in Israel’s matters, the only reason is Mossad. Mossad is known for its killings, brutal custody questioning, and the placement of their spies over administrative positions all over the world. There is a rumor spreading in the international community that Mossad has designed and is designing the domestic and international policies of many countries. They have secret satellites flying over space to spy on their enemies. These satellites have the ability to discover and follow even a man who walks on the road. Pegasus, a malware of NSO group, WhatsApp, SMS, and phone calls are helping them to peek into our phone, computer and CCTV surveillance to get our personal details. In the book “Rise and Kill First” by Ronen Bergman, he says that between 1949 and 2000 Mossad completed over 500 targeted assassinations. They have also killed about 1800 of their enemies between 2000 and 2018. 

In the past Mossad used to take more than weeks to assassinate a target. Currently, with the most modern technologies like satellite controlled drones they can easily assassinate their rivals with perfect precision. 

What would be Mossad’s next operation? Well, let's wait and see...


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