Does the Illuminati really exist?!

What is illuminati? What do they control? 2021 Updates; The facts, history and conspiracy of illuminati

What is illuminati? How do they control the world? Does the illuminati still exist today? The question is quite simple but you will only get the answer from a conspiracy theorist. The concept of illuminati was made conspiracy either intentionally or by accidently. In my opinion,  the illuminati still exist because the evidence put forward by the conspiracy theorists seems quite convincing. Before going into details of the conspiracy theories let’s look at the history of illuminati and also whom do they worship. It is none other than Lucifer.

The myth/belief about Satan (Lucifer)

Why does everyone fear Satan? The answer is simple. He was the law breaker and he will make us break the holy laws. If somebody ever asks me who is the most beautiful creature of God, I will definitely say that it is the women. However, certain beliefs would say I am wrong. It is believed that angels were the most beautiful creation of God and Lucifer was an angel himself. Lucifer was believed to be the most powerful angel. How did Lucifer then become God's enemy?

According to the Bible, Lucifer wanted to become more powerful than God. So he got jealous when God created Adam the ‘son of God’. Lucifer’s jealousy and ego resulted in him dividing the angels into two groups; the supporters of Lucifer and the others. This further led to a war in heaven. God then cast down Lucifer from heaven. This is the reason why Lucifer/ Satan is often referred to as ‘the fallen angel’. Even today, in the most modern era of science and technology there are worshippers of God and Satan.

The history of illuminati

Illuminati was formed in the 1780s in Bavaria, Germany. During that period the Church was the most powerful authority. Although there was the monarchy, the actual powers rested  in the hands of the church and the church was rich and corrupted. This was clearly evident with the letter of indulgence given by the church. The Church made people believe that one who buys this letter will be forgiven for all the sins he has done and the ones he will do. The Church was strongly against the teaching of science. They believed that the teaching of science will increase the logic of the common people and will lead them to raise questions against the church. The church misled them and filled their minds with superstitious beliefs.

There was one man who strongly believed in changing all these superstitions. His was Adam Weishaupt, a German law professor. He wanted to enlighten all the folks under the church. So along with his four students he started an organization named ‘Perfektibilisten’. This was later termed as illuminati. The meaning of the German word Perfektibilisten is the organization of Iblis (Satan). The symbol of this organization was ‘Owl of Minerva’. It is also known as Bavarian illuminati because of its origin in Bavaria.

Adam kept the organization secretly. But somehow the church came to know about it and they sent people to spy on the Perfekibilists. The facts they found were too shocking for the church and the king as well as. The administration officers, higher governing officials and even the right hand of the king were part of the Perfektibilisten. Later Perfektibilisten joined with Freemasonry, an organization with similar ideologies, to form illuminati and thus became extremely powerful.

In 1784, King Charles Theodore banned illuminati and killed everyone who was once the part of illuminati. For the next 20 years there were no signs of illuminati. However, King Charles could only kill the people, he failed to destroy the ideology. Twenty years after the massacre a book was published by illuminati saying “we have not gone anywhere, we all are here”. The return of illuminati meant something else. Their words sounded ironic and terrifying.

The presence of illuminati in the 21st century 

According to the conspiracy theorists illuminati have emerged as a massive power within the last two centuries. They state that illuminati is the one and only secret organization that rules the world today. Their main aim is to erase half of the world’s population and make the whole world under one unique order and system. They are capable of eavesdropping and tracing anybody in this world as it is believed that they are the one who handle every transaction and technologies of the world. Their main targets are politicians, musicians, actors and businessmen. If you are a part of illuminati you should hide the symbols of illuminati in your products logo to promote the illuminati. Well I can show you some examples with the brand logos researched and found by conspiracy theorists.

Brand logos and their relationship with illuminati

Google logo

I think this logo must be the most viewed logo ever in the world. If we cross examine the Google logo we could easily find that a symbol of illuminati is hidden inside the logo. Do you remember ‘Freemasonry' mentioned above? They are a part of illuminati. If we search ‘mason symbols’ on any search engines we would get enough symbols of the mason family. The symbol ‘G’ is one among them. The meaning of this mason symbol is ‘god of geometry’.

Facebook logo

Conspiracy theorists match Facebook logo with the Tubal Cain symbol. It has an ‘F’ and also has a rod tied in the shape of a like button. This Tubal Cain symbol is also a part of the illuminati symbols. This symbol represents the ‘first murder’. First murder, according to the Bible is Cain killing his own brother Abel. 


The logo of Gmail has a very clear resemblance with the Masonic Apron symbol which is again one of the illuminati symbols. 

Google play

In Google play the ‘sigil of Lucifer’ symbol is used. You could see how clearly they are interconnected.



This is associated with the illuminati symbol- The Eye of Providence.


The ‘M’ used here reminds me of the shape of an owl. It is none other than the symbol ‘Owl of Minerva’ , the first used logo of illuminati.


Here you could find a similarity between the Baphomet symbol and the Dodge logo. Baphomet is one of the deities of illuminati.


When we reverse the logo of Pepsi the letters in the logo is found to be ‘is dead’

Walt Disney

We could find the number 666 in the logo of Walt Disney. The number 666 is considered as the number of Satan.

Coca Cola

The mirror image of Coca Cola’s logo shows an Arabic word ‘La Mohammed, La Mecca which means no Mohammed and no Mecca.


The logo of Apple resembles the bitten forbidden fruit. This is also a symbol of illuminati.

This is how illuminati hides their symbols in the brand logos. You would probably be confused as to why these companies hide the symbols in their logos. This is because of strict instructions given by the illuminati to their members to show the illuminati symbols in their products. This is how they can popularise their symbols among the mass.

Famous people who stood against the illuminati

You would be shocked with the terrifying facts about people who stood against illuminati. All of them were brutally murdered!

Michael Jackson is considered to be one of the most famous victims. A week before his death Michael Jackson made a statement in a public speech, “they caught me; they will catch you one day. Get ready they are coming”. He was killed after one week of making that statement. I used the word ‘killed’ here because Michael Jackson’s death seemed to be too mysterious for me. His death report stated that he died by using a common medicine. How is it even possible for one to die by using a common medicine?

Next victim was Amy Vinehouse. She was a famous English singer. During an interview she said that illuminati was trying to persuade her. They were asking her to include their symbols in her music. She also added that if she denied this she would be killed. After this interview she was brutally killed. You can find her interview on YouTube.

The next one in the list is the famous pop singer Nipsey Hussle, whose name was once nominated for the Grammy award. He was shot to death by some unknown person. The day before his death he tweeted that he will be killed. The reason why I have included his name is because he had a nickname ‘the satanic singer’. His songs were based on satanic versions of music. Conspiracy theorists say that he was once a part of illuminati and then he left it and this was the reason why he was brutally killed.

The other famous faces given in the list by conspiracy theorists are Abraham Lincon, John Kennedy, and Bob Marley and there are many more. The reason why they top the list is due to the statements they made against the illuminati. It is also to be noted that the actual reasons for their deaths are still unknown.

The most famous faces in illuminati

Conspiracy theorists say that the most famous leader lying in the hands of the illuminati is Donald Trump. Years ago Trump was portrayed as the member of illuminati by the Simpson cartoons.

The most famous businessman in the hands of Illuminati is Bill Gates. Bill Gates holds a higher position at illuminati. I have told you about the aim of the illuminati- to reduce the world’s population by half and to build a new world of unique system and order under illuminati. The same idea was once expressed by Bill Gates during a press conference where he said that ‘with proper vaccination the world's population can be reduced.’ Four years ago there was a vaccination for children named MMC vaccine-measles rubella vaccine. Many people came forward against the vaccination by saying that the vaccination is a depopulation agenda. They said that by using this vaccine the child will lose his reproductive ability. Probably you would think that what the relation between the vaccination and illuminati was. IWell, the answer is, the Measles Rubella vaccine was distributed to all countries by WHO, who gave the contract of this vaccine to the medicine company run by Bill Gates under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Remember his words again ‘by proper medicine and vaccination we could reduce the population’. The one who holds this idea gave us the medicines. Can’t you see the irony here?

From all these facts we could see the extreme power of illuminati and also the way they are controlling the world. Can you just imagine the power of illuminati? They had the depopulation idea, they produced vaccines from the world's number one business company, they upheld the UN’s World Health Organization and they used the central and local government of every country to distribute the vaccines to each and every corner of the world.

Conspiracy theorists say that 90 percent of the world's money is in the hands of illuminati. After 2005 this money started to leak from the hands of illuminati to different countries. This was due to the resignation of many people from illuminati. In order to gain all the lost money they introduced the Bitcoin. As I said earlier Bill gates was their trump card. They used Bill Gates to propagate the idea that the value of bitcoin will raise up to seven crore Indian rupees. This made people buy bitcoin from all over the world. The main advantage of bitcoin was that the government does not have any control over digital currencies. Suddenly one day the value of bitcoin came down to the bottom and touched the lowest level and people lost their money. Was all this money looted by the illuminati? Yes, you are thinking right. Bitcoin was a part of illuminati play.

What I talked about in this article is only one percent of the acts of illuminati. Illuminati is not just what I have written here. It is a much more terrifying reality. 

Have you heard about the Simpson cartoons? They usually predict the future through some of their cartoons. All of their predictions came out to be true. Their new prediction is that “Donald Trump is going to be killed….


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