Black fungus| Covid-19| diabetes

Black fungus: latest threat of 2021; Covid-19, diabetes and mucormycosis

Covid-19 has turned everyone’s life upside down. A ray of hope had touched everyone when the vaccines were developed, but it seems Indians are at a more dangerous phase. What is this ‘black fungus’? Why is it dangerous? and Why is it attacking the Indian population? 

What is black fungus?

A fungus is a living cell usually seen in our surroundings. They have been on earth for more than 400 million years! A particular kind of fungus when entered into our body can cause serious damages to our internal organs. This condition is called mucormycosis or black fungus. 

So black fungus is not a new phenomenon. It has always been there in the environment. This  fungus is usually seen in the soil, decayed vegetables and fruits, plants, manure and also in the air. Doctors have reported that this fungus can even be seen in the nose of a healthy person. If it has always been there with us, why didn’t we know this earlier? This is because black fungus is a very rare infection found in human beings. The human body is designed with a defense mechanism to protect our organs from these kinds of fungal infections. The WBCs in our blood usually protect us from this infectious  fungus.

Black fungus in India

Many Indian states including Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal and Kerala have reported cases of black fungus including several deaths. 

Why is it affecting India’s Covid-19 patients?

Well, one thing to be noted is that the fungus that causes mucormycosis is common to Indian environment and soil. People get black fungus disease when they breathe these fungal spores. With conditions like covid, the immune system of our body becomes weak which paves the way for this dangerous fungus to infect our body. Another major reason is the use of steroids in covid patients. Steroids are lifesaver drugs in covid treatment, but they can increase the level of blood sugar in our body which again is the most favourable condition for this fungus.

How does the fungus enter the human body?

There are several ways in which this fungus can enter the human body. It can enter into your skin through a small cut or burn or any other skin conditions. 

It can also enter through your nose while breathing due to the presence of fungus in the air. 

Directly touching the fungus can result in  them sticking on your body parts and eventually allowing them to enter your body.  

How does it affect human beings?

Black fungus can affect the human body in many ways. It can cause blindness, blood clots and nerve damage, sometimes leading people to a coma stage. 

When entered through the nose and reaches the sinus area, it can affect our lungs, jaw bones, eyes and eventually damages the brain. What makes this fungus extremely threatening? Many patients with black fungus had to surgically remove their eyes and jaw bones to prevent the spread of this fungus inside the body. Yes, that is a dangerous situation. 

Who is at risk?

Anybody with a low immunity condition is at risk!

Black fungus has been reported in patients who recovered and are recovering from Covid-19. Patients with serious covid conditions are normally administered with steroids leading to a high glucose level in the blood. This high blood sugar promotes the growth of fungus inside the body. Diabetics patients are mostly the victims of black fungus for the same reason.

People who have undergone organ transplantation are also at higher risk. These people are usually given medicines that reduce their immunity to accommodate the new organ to the body. 

People who have severe health conditions like cancer, neutropenia, hemochromatosis (high levels of iron in your body), metabolic acidosis (uneven levels of acid in the body), lack of enough nutrition are also at a high risk of getting black fungus.


The common symptoms that have been noticed in black fungus patients varied from mild symptoms like brown discharge from nose, toothache, pain in eyes, swelling in cheeks and eyes, headache to shortness of breath, loss of vision, coughing blood, memory loss and altered mental status. 

How can we prevent black fungus?

Prevention is always better than cure. The best way to fight black fungus is to stay healthy. However we know covid patients already have serious health issues. So it is always important to constantly monitor your health. 

Diabetics patients should keep a note of their sugar levels and control it through proper medication. 

We have previously seen the influence of steroids in causing black fungus. As steroids are life saving drugs, they can’t be avoided. However, patients taking steroids should constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. 

You must understand that steroids are not recommended for patients with mild covid.

So never take steroids without your doctor's recommendation.

Post-covid is the crucial phase as it is when the chances of black fungus are more. So, take proper care of your health by following certain precautions.

  • Keep yourself and your surroundings hygienic

  • Continue wearing masks and using sanitizers

  • Wash your hands properly 

  • Wash your body well after coming from outside

  • If you happen to visit construction sites or any place that is dusty do not take your masks off and make sure to wash your hands properly.

  • Avoid frequently touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Oral hygiene is important too.

  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming food items refrigerated for  days.


The most vital question that comes to our mind with any disease is “is the disease curable?” So, “Is black fungus curable?” Well it is in most of the cases. Patients diagnosed with black fungus can be treated and cured if the infection is found in the earlier stage. So always look for the symptoms. Consult a doctor right at the moment you notice the symptoms.

The fungus once entered the body starts to spread to different parts. Hence, it is highly important to treat it in the initial stage itself. Once the fungus affects your eyes or lungs doctors would have to surgically remove your organs to stop the spread. Remember, the fungus spreading to your brain is a deadly condition. 

People who are at high risk of affecting the fungus should take utmost care of their health and look for symptoms. 

Amphotericin B, an antifungal injection is used in the treatment of black fungus.

Black fungus is not contagious.


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